Make the call - the best way to raise money these last few days of the year

Out in the Boons - Donor calls

Starting today - you have about five days left to really push giving reminders with your donors before they start checking out until the New Year. If I was you - I’d try to carve out at least an hour each day to: 

  • Make reminder calls to all 2017 and 2018 donors

  • Send personalized emails to individual donors

  • Write handwritten, personalized notes to donors

Personally, I think the biggest bang for your buck is making phone calls (the millennial in me can’t believe I’m saying that). If phone calls sound scary to you - try to remember 1) 90% of the calls are going to go to voicemail and 2) the worst someone can do it rush you off the phone. If you flip the switch on your mentality, you will realize that if you actually get someone on the phone, you have a unique opportunity to: 

  • Thank the donor for their previous support

  • Find out who they heard about your organization from/how they decided to get involved

  • Share an impact update or story directly

  • Ask them to consider making a gift in real time

Any of those above sound worth it to me. Here is what you say: 

When you get a voice message:

“Hi (insert donor name),

My name is (insert your name) and I’m calling from (insert your organization’s name). I just wanted to quickly call and thank you for your support (insert time ie: 2018, end of last year, etc). Because of donors like you, (insert organization name) has been able to (insert your most compelling impact stat over the last 12 months). Seriously, we couldn’t do this important work without you and I would so appreciate you considering another gift this year. Wishing you and yours a happy holiday season and a fantastic start to the New Year. Take care!”

When you get someone on the phone: 

“Hi is (insert name) available?

Hi (insert name). My name is (insert your name) from (insert organization). I just wanted to quickly call to say thank you for your past support to (insert organization name). I’m not sure if you realize, but your support last year helped us (insert achievement/stat/impact). We are so grateful for your help and would love it if you would consider making a gift again this year so we can continue to (insert your mission). 

Variation questions: 

  • How did you hear about (insert organization name)?

  • I see you’ve been a supporter for (insert number of years) - how did you hear about us?

  • I’m not sure if you’d be interested, but we are hosting (insert cultivation event) on (insert date) and I’d love to invite you as my special guest. 

  • If you don’t mind my curiosity - what inspired you to give last year?

It’s really straight forward. Some key elements to keep in mind: 

  • Be quick - not rushed, but concise. People are busy. 

  • Be direct. If you do get someone on the phone, make sure your ask is clear. 

  • Be gracious. 

A few last confidence boosters: 

  1. Doing these exercises of going the extra mile will raise you more money. 

  2. Practice makes perfect and the more of these calls/emails/letters you do, the better you will get. AKA be a better fundraiser. 

  3. The majority of your nonprofit fundraising peers WON’T do this. They will be passive while you are active. Active always raises more money.

  4. You will learn valuable with a capital “V” information about your donor. Make sure you document that information in your CRM, spreadsheet or somewhere you can refer to. 

  5. Remember: reminders are helpful and you are simply conducting a very personal reminder. 

YOU CAN DO THIS. I know you can! You are smart and capable. 

I can’t wait to hear how it goes. 

Three cheers to raising more money for your important cause.


Out in the Boons Nonprofit Fundraiser